There are a variety of activities on offer for young people as part of our parish community.
Children's Liturgy of the Word:
We are looking to restart Children's Liturgy very soon thanks to a number of volunteers coming forward.
While the necessary safeguarding protocols are put in place, please remember that Children’s Liturgy sheets, primarily aimed at Primary One to Seven, are available in the back porch every Sunday.
Calling all young people from P7 to S6
A Youth Group for OLOL parish and for all parishes in the area takes place on Fridays 7 pm until 9 pm in St Conval’s Hall, 21 Hapland Rd - Games, Arts & Crafts, Faith and Food.
For more information, contact Steven on 07919628103. Do come along. Bring a friend.
Lourdes Theatre Group
Lourdes Theatre Group's next show is Little Shop of Horrors. Tickets £17. Show dates: Thursday 30th Jan 7.30 pm, Friday 31st Jan 7.30pm, Saturday 1st Feb 2pm and 7.30pm in the back hall. We would really appreciate the support of our lovely parish for this production. For tickets, please email [email protected] .
They are also now looking for new members for the junior production of Matilda - both primary and secondary ages. Again, get in touch with Becky or email for member information.
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
Meet on Wednesday evenings in St. Bernadette's Hall:
Beavers 6 pm-7 pm
Cubs, Scouts and Explorers 7.15 pm-8.45 pm
7th Clyde Scouts
In our group, we believe in preparing young people with skills for life.
Girls and boys aged 5¾ - 18, take part in an exciting programme of activities that develop character skills like resilience, initiative and tenacity; employability skills such as leadership, teamwork and problem solving; and practical skills like cooking, first aid and generally doing things for themselves.
They participate in creative activities ranging from arts and crafts to drama and song – some even on stage in the Gang Show.
Recently, they have been involved in gymnastics coaching, physiology awareness in STEM, fundraising and community work. In addition to these activities, we are committed to providing our young people with a wide range of outdoor activities and regularly camp (sometimes indoors), go hillwalking, kayaking, and learn camp skills. We’ve even had the Beaver Section (5¾-8) under canvas.
We build their experience in camping as they progress through the sections culminating in the Explorer Scouts camping in the Norwegian Arctic in 2017 and participating in an expedition to the Swiss Alps in 2019.
We also strive to ensure that young people achieve their potential and successfully completely the highest awards each section offers.
Most of our older scouts have achieved their Chief Scouts Gold Award and are working towards their Platinum Award, as well as embarking on the Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award.
All in all, we aim to give the young people the widest range of activities and opportunities we can but, most of all, we have fun!
Eighteen of our young people, S6 pupils from Lourdes Secondary, have signed up this autumn to fulfil a Caritas obligation of doing 20 hours of work in our Parish. Please keep them in your prayers and be kind if you see them looking uncertain.
The Pope Benedict XVI CARITAS AWARD encourages and promotes the ongoing faith journey of young people. It recognises that some are already active and committed within their homes, schools, parishes and dioceses and it invites others to respond to God’s call of love. It supports and celebrates the faith witness which young people give within their communities.
Introduced in 2011, as part of a legacy of the UK visit of Pope Benedict XVI in September 2010, this award asks young people to use their faith learning as a starting point for further faith reflection, leading to actions which show their faith.
Participants in the Caritas Award will be supported in deciding how they can develop and use their gifts in a way that witnesses to God’s love (“Caritas”) in their communities.
Any pupil in their final year of school can be enrolled to participate in the CARITAS AWARD. Parishes may nominate young people for the award, where no Catholic school is available to do so. The award is designed to be inclusive of all young people and is open to all pupils who can meet the succes criteria for the award. Pupils can choose how they would like to record and share their learning, reflection and witness from a number of formats. Pupils studying at all levels will be able to achieve the requirements for the award.
For further information, visit sces.org.uk/caritas-award/
Eighteen of our young people, S6 pupils from Lourdes Secondary, have signed up this autumn to fulfil a Caritas obligation of doing 20 hours of work in our Parish. Please keep them in your prayers and be kind if you see them looking uncertain.
The Pope Benedict XVI CARITAS AWARD encourages and promotes the ongoing faith journey of young people. It recognises that some are already active and committed within their homes, schools, parishes and dioceses and it invites others to respond to God’s call of love. It supports and celebrates the faith witness which young people give within their communities.
Introduced in 2011, as part of a legacy of the UK visit of Pope Benedict XVI in September 2010, this award asks young people to use their faith learning as a starting point for further faith reflection, leading to actions which show their faith.
Participants in the Caritas Award will be supported in deciding how they can develop and use their gifts in a way that witnesses to God’s love (“Caritas”) in their communities.
Any pupil in their final year of school can be enrolled to participate in the CARITAS AWARD. Parishes may nominate young people for the award, where no Catholic school is available to do so. The award is designed to be inclusive of all young people and is open to all pupils who can meet the succes criteria for the award. Pupils can choose how they would like to record and share their learning, reflection and witness from a number of formats. Pupils studying at all levels will be able to achieve the requirements for the award.
For further information, visit sces.org.uk/caritas-award/